Source code for

from .rest import RestClient

[docs]class Stats(object): """Auth0 stats endpoints Args: domain (str): Your Auth0 domain, e.g: '' token (str): Management API v2 Token telemetry (bool, optional): Enable or disable Telemetry (defaults to True) timeout (float or tuple, optional): Change the requests connect and read timeout. Pass a tuple to specify both values separately or a float to set both to it. (defaults to 5.0 for both) rest_options (RestClientOptions): Pass an instance of RestClientOptions to configure additional RestClient options, such as rate-limit retries. (defaults to None) """ def __init__(self, domain, token, telemetry=True, timeout=5.0, protocol="https", rest_options=None): self.domain = domain self.protocol = protocol self.client = RestClient(jwt=token, telemetry=telemetry, timeout=timeout, options=rest_options) def _url(self, action): return '{}://{}/api/v2/stats/{}'.format(self.protocol, self.domain, action)
[docs] def active_users(self): """Gets the active users count (logged in during the last 30 days). Returns: An integer. See:!/Stats/get_active_users """ return self.client.get(self._url('active-users'))
[docs] def daily_stats(self, from_date=None, to_date=None): """Gets the daily stats for a particular period. Args: from_date (str, optional): The first day of the period (inclusive) in YYYYMMDD format. to_date (str, optional): The last day of the period (inclusive) in YYYYMMDD format. See:!/Stats/get_daily """ return self.client.get(self._url('daily'), params={'from': from_date, 'to': to_date})