Source code for auth0.v3.authentication.get_token

from .base import AuthenticationBase

[docs]class GetToken(AuthenticationBase): """/oauth/token related endpoints Args: domain (str): Your auth0 domain (e.g: """
[docs] def authorization_code(self, client_id, client_secret, code, redirect_uri, grant_type='authorization_code'): """Authorization code grant This is the OAuth 2.0 grant that regular web apps utilize in order to access an API. Use this endpoint to exchange an Authorization Code for a Token. Args: grant_type (str): Denotes the flow you're using. For authorization code use authorization_code client_id (str): your application's client Id client_secret (str): your application's client Secret code (str): The Authorization Code received from the /authorize Calls redirect_uri (str, optional): This is required only if it was set at the GET /authorize endpoint. The values must match Returns: access_token, id_token """ return '{}://{}/oauth/token'.format(self.protocol, self.domain), data={ 'client_id': client_id, 'client_secret': client_secret, 'code': code, 'grant_type': grant_type, 'redirect_uri': redirect_uri, } )
[docs] def authorization_code_pkce(self, client_id, code_verifier, code, redirect_uri, grant_type='authorization_code'): """Authorization code pkce grant This is the OAuth 2.0 grant that mobile apps utilize in order to access an API. Use this endpoint to exchange an Authorization Code for a Token. Args: grant_type (str): Denotes the flow you're using. For authorization code pkce use authorization_code client_id (str): your application's client Id code_verifier (str): Cryptographically random key that was used to generate the code_challenge passed to /authorize. code (str): The Authorization Code received from the /authorize Calls redirect_uri (str, optional): This is required only if it was set at the GET /authorize endpoint. The values must match Returns: access_token, id_token """ return '{}://{}/oauth/token'.format(self.protocol, self.domain), data={ 'client_id': client_id, 'code_verifier': code_verifier, 'code': code, 'grant_type': grant_type, 'redirect_uri': redirect_uri, } )
[docs] def client_credentials(self, client_id, client_secret, audience, grant_type='client_credentials'): """Client credentials grant This is the OAuth 2.0 grant that server processes utilize in order to access an API. Use this endpoint to directly request an access_token by using the Application Credentials (a Client Id and a Client Secret). Args: grant_type (str): Denotes the flow you're using. For client credentials use client_credentials client_id (str): your application's client Id client_secret (str): your application's client Secret audience (str): The unique identifier of the target API you want to access. Returns: access_token """ return '{}://{}/oauth/token'.format(self.protocol, self.domain), data={ 'client_id': client_id, 'client_secret': client_secret, 'audience': audience, 'grant_type': grant_type, } )
[docs] def login(self, client_id, client_secret, username, password, scope, realm, audience, grant_type=''): """Calls /oauth/token endpoint with password-realm grant type This is the OAuth 2.0 grant that highly trusted apps utilize in order to access an API. In this flow the end-user is asked to fill in credentials (username/password) typically using an interactive form in the user-agent (browser). This information is later on sent to the client and Auth0. It is therefore imperative that the client is absolutely trusted with this information. Args: grant_type (str): Denotes the flow you're using. For password realm use client_id (str): your application's client Id client_secret (str): your application's client Secret audience (str): The unique identifier of the target API you want to access. username (str): Resource owner's identifier password (str): resource owner's Secret scope(str): String value of the different scopes the client is asking for. Multiple scopes are separated with whitespace. realm (str): String value of the realm the user belongs. Set this if you want to add realm support at this grant. Returns: access_token, id_token """ return '{}://{}/oauth/token'.format(self.protocol, self.domain), data={ 'client_id': client_id, 'username': username, 'password': password, 'realm': realm, 'client_secret': client_secret, 'scope': scope, 'audience': audience, 'grant_type': grant_type } )
[docs] def refresh_token(self, client_id, client_secret, refresh_token, grant_type='refresh_token', scope=''): """Calls /oauth/token endpoint with refresh token grant type Use this endpoint to refresh an access token, using the refresh token you got during authorization. Args: grant_type (str): Denotes the flow you're using. For refresh token use refresh_token client_id (str): your application's client Id client_secret (str): your application's client Secret refresh_token (str): The refresh token returned from the initial token request. scope (str): String value of the different scopes the client is asking for. Multiple scopes are separated with whitespace. Returns: access_token, id_token """ return '{}://{}/oauth/token'.format(self.protocol, self.domain), data={ 'client_id': client_id, 'client_secret': client_secret, 'refresh_token': refresh_token, 'scope': scope, 'grant_type': grant_type } )
[docs] def passwordless_login(self, client_id, client_secret, username, otp, realm, scope, audience): """Calls /oauth/token endpoint with grant type Once the verification code was received, login the user using this endpoint with their phone number/email and verification code. Args: client_id (str): your application's client Id client_secret (str): your application's client Secret. Only required for Regular Web Apps. username (str): The user's phone number or email address. otp (str): the user's verification code. realm (str): use 'sms' or 'email'. Should be the same as the one used to start the passwordless flow. scope(str): String value of the different scopes the client is asking for. Multiple scopes are separated with whitespace. audience (str): The unique identifier of the target API you want to access. Returns: access_token, id_token """ return '{}://{}/oauth/token'.format(self.protocol, self.domain), data={ 'client_id': client_id, 'username': username, 'otp': otp, 'realm': realm, 'client_secret': client_secret, 'scope': scope, 'audience': audience, 'grant_type': '' } )